A 5-Installment Payment Plan for your Health and Education Expenses

Sağlam Card is here to support you with your vital expenses!

Get 5 fixed installments with your Sağlam Card for your Education and Health Expenses.

All your health expenses worth 100 TL and above are divided into 5 fixed installments* when you have the Sağlam Card Classic, Gold and Platinum. The MCC code for 5 fixed installments only apply to healthcare institutions.

You can get 5 fixed installments** with your Sağlam Card if you spend 100 TL or more on education, books, and stationery. The MCC code for 5 fixed installments only apply to educational institutions.

*If you do not want to use the 5 installments for your healthcare purchases, you can deactivate this feature by sending an SMS to 2848 with the text IPTAL SGLK5. To reactivate it, you should send an SMS to 2848 with the text ONAY SGLK5

**If you do not want to use the 5 installments application for your education purchases, you can deactivate this feature by sending an SMS to 2848 with the text IPTAL EGTM5. To reactivate it, you should send an SMS to 2848 with the text ONAY EGTM5.

If you are having problems sending an SMS to 2848, contact your operator to activate the interactive SMS service.

All texts sent to 2848 are free.