Sağlam Retailer

As a fundamental principle, our Sağlam Retailer Card is a practical payment system which systematizes commercial payments and collections between distributors and retailers. This is a system which will work specifically in industrial supply chains, for payments between buyers and sellers and companies in a distributor-retailer relationship and purchases of goods and products.

  • You can use our card not only to add instalments to your payments but also to defer them.
  • There are no card fees.
  • You can add up to 18 months of instalments to your payments.
  • No separate card allocation is required; card allocation is made based on your available DDS limit. (Your Sağlam Retailer Card uses a limit transferred from your DDS limit, which uses a limit transferred from your Corporate limit.)
  • You can only use it at specified vendors.
  • Your expenditures are monthly followed up through statements. Not all transactions necessitate a project launch.
  • Sub-retailers can effect transactions using Mail Order.


Our customers with a DDS limit can apply for Sağlam Retailer Card. The application screen specifies which Kuveyt Türk POS devices the card will work on. You can apply for the card at Kuveyt Türk branches.